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Why Ought We To Fear The LordEnglish
sexual immoralityEnglish
فضيلة الاحترامArabic
Distribution Hymn – Great Fast Sundays - O Nishti - 2Coptic
Is It Okay To Go Astray For Some TimeEnglish
Distribution Hymn – Great Fast Weekdays - PiMairomi - 3Coptic
Distribution Hymn – Great Fast Sundays - O Nishti - 1Coptic
Why Did The Lord Start His Ministry By Fasting?English
التعامل مع الهمومArabic
What Are Some Of The Signs Which Demonstrate That I Trust That God Will Take Care Of Me?English
Distribution Hymn – Great Fast Weekdays - PiMairomi - 2Coptic
الحروب ضد الصومArabic
What Kind Of Fasting Receives A Reward?English